You can choose a cheap affordable web hosting provider provided that you are not setting up a website that requires heavy usage of resources like CPU time, storage space or network bandwidth. Do look at the Terms Of Service with the Hosting provider. The Terms Of Service is usually located at the bottom of the web page.
Well, this is the big question, is Shared Web Hosting UK right for you? Knowing the advantages and what the shared hosting service is, you can probably figure out if its really the type of hosting you needed. If you really need a hosting which is affordable, easy to manage, and you want to have your own domain name, well, it is just right for you. If you think that your storage space is no longer enough, you can easily upgrade your hosting plan to meet your needs as they arise.
Then you should also go elsewhere. All good hosts should provide a Shared Web Hosting UK where you can check the speed of the server. If they don't, ask them to provide one.
Some of the web host companies join the BBB (Better Business Bureau) or TRUSTe. Most of the web host companies that joined organization like these usually put the logo for accreditation in front of their front webpage.
Cost: For Affordable Web Hosting, always choose a reputed web hosting company. Do not think about free PHP hosting because you will definitely get a bad experience if you choose it. Other side you may find many hosting companies who provide you PHP hosting in cheap rate.
Ask for reviews about particular provider in the leading hosting/webmaster forums. This way you will be able to find out more about host's reputation among its peers. You will see what are the pros and cons of the service. Note there is no "perfect provider" but there are a lot of awful ones.
Affordable web hosting service could mean different things. i.e good quality service, flexibility and great plan, assurance of having your site running at any time of the day, and so on. So for these reasons, it is very important that you compare the available affordable hosting plan to know which one is actually good for you. What you want determine whether a web hosting service is affordable or not.